Sitemap - 2023 - Excerpts from Pocket Observatory
Wonka and the problem of old stories
a pocket observatory abortion primer
You and I were in Columbia Journalism Review
war, vampires and resurrection light
I'm doing something kind of big
help me build the observatorium
Sound of Freedom is part of an augmented reality project
Can Queer Love Help Sanctify the World?
Can Queer Love Sanctify the World?
Transcript: Can Queer Love Help Sanctify the World?
A Pilgrimage to a Taylor Swift Shrine
Hey, wanna hang out tonight? (But for real.)
Software helps my ADHD brain think
Transcript: There is a Ghost at the End of this Story
There is a Ghost at the End of this Story
A Divorce Fellowship for Mothers
Desantis, Disney and the Liberal Men Who Hate Women
10 minutes on Heather Armstrong
"Jail doesn't let mommies visit?"
hello from the bottom of the sea
When was the last time a number blew your mind?
My husband taught me to disappoint people
Wrap me in a Necklace of Lights
When the answers are worn out and the kitsch is too
Donald Trump, Patron of the Deepfakes
I swore I wouldn't say anything but...
Mormon Cowboys, Drew Barrymore and Trans Joy
Let's Knock Some Furniture Over
One of Walgreens biggest stockholders commissioned Fearless Girl
The Babysitter's Club Book Covers are for Sale
Riley was in a Mr. Clean Commercial
If You Prick Us, Do We Not Bleed?
Worth doesn't have to be tethered to recognition
Fine, I'll admit it. I like Titanic.
The internet searches I made during my miscarriage are still on a Google server
I talked about LDS domestic violence on NPR
Tell me about The Great Stove Debate, please.