In this voicemail, I talk about my go-to coping mechanisms: shopping for mid-food baskets I never purchase and creating detailed trip itineraries for trips I’ll never take. Also, when things get very, very bad: planning Disneyland weddings. I am not proud.
Also! Not all gourmet food baskets are mid. Some are called “hampers” and cost more (much more, like so much more) than my mortgage. If I were Taylor Swift, or someone of similar means, I’d send a Fortnum and Mason hamper to me. Doesn’t have to be one of their $7.000 hampers! The Windsor hamper, at a mere $1200, would do just fine. Let me know if you need my address, TayTay!
Related Reading
Maybe you like to make itineraries to cope too. Here’s a little something to help you organize your thoughts.
I made paid subscribers a travel itinerary template for all their fake travel planning needs. Just download the PDF and plan away!
Also….I am kind of dying to know - where do you plan on never going first?
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