Aug 23, 2022Liked by Meg Conley

Exact same thing happened with our family. I realized I'd been waiting for some perfect moment to be ready for a dog in my life, and suddenly it's been 20 years since my one-and-only childhood dog passed away. I've been on a weird maternity leave, WFH, force-quit work scenario since September 2021 and had reached a point where instead of seeing the present as some never-ending limbo looking at this moment as the light at the end of the tunnel. Like maybe THIS is it?! In a good way.

Long story short: we got a 6 month old puppy a month ago and I finally quit the toxic job last week. Living with a 4 yr old, 10 month old and puppy is a lot, but I'm honestly putting out far less fires these days than at the office. The dog has brought so much to all of our lives! Why the hell did I wait so long and let a job prevent me from having this unconditional love monster in my life? Whatever - she is here now and eeeeeeeeeee!! Puppy!!!

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UNCONDITIONAL LOVE MONSTER YESSSS!!! Also, oh my gosh you are my hero. I have a 13 year old, 10 year old and four year old and I still feel like...ummmm these kids are kinda too small for me to be dealing with them AND a puppy. Obviously, I am just a total weakling, lol. But still! You are amazing! I am so glad you quit your toxic job and are living the life you want! Right now!

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Meg Conley

Well this is good timing. I’m planning to meet — and hopefully bring home! — a dog on Saturday. I had a wonderful dog for six years, my first pet as an adult when before the toughest parts had alwaysfallen on my parents. I loved him ridiculously and then lost him about six months into Covid. I’m finally ready because I miss what he gave me more than I hurt at his loss. He was not adopted in the right order — I was waiting to buy a house with a yard first. It didn’t matter — we just loved each other.

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Meg Conley

And to speak to your wider point. It has been pointed out to me by therapists and most recently my best friend, that I’m not always good at letting myself be happy or letting myself have what would make me happy. So this is about nothing more or less than knowing what makes me happy and doing it!

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Lane, I am so excited for you! What a wonderful Saturday you're going to have! And I am so, so sorry for your loss. To lose your sweet dog when everything with Covid was just beginning like that...I can only begin to imagine the trauma. I am so sorry.

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“I’m done making promises. The future refuses to keep them for me and I can’t seem to keep the future for them. Instead I am trying to understand the promise of the present.“ Oh my is this beautiful & powerful.

Welcome welcome to your Murphy!

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She is adorable and loathes sleeping through the night. Much like the other tiny creatures I am raising in this house hahahaha

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I need to see this crate that is too small for an 8-week-old puppy.

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We adopted a 3y.o. BIG BOI golden doodle a year ago. While we lucked out and he is the gentlest and totally trained, I do kind of mourn bonding with him as a puppy. I think I would enjoy him more if we had the shared history since he was a pup. AND. It definitely was the best case scenario for us since we still have a 6 and 3 yo and a human baby on the way. So, I’m excited for you to have the whole experience! House training and all!

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