YES I was hoping for an Olivia reference! I think I'm on my at least fifth listen of GUTS today. I feel weirdly proud of her in a way? It's so, so good. And I'm curious if you have any early favorite tracks (I'm loving all-american bitch currently) 👀

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A great writer makes the ordinary into the extraordinary. Or would you rather I pose this in the form of a question? This is not the question, even though it might be construed as my one and only... please don’t answer it if it is; I do not want to waste it if so.

I often wonder about choices that pivots someone life. History is a funny thing as we look back and recount a life in 1500 words, perhaps fewer. In this short span, every pivot is immediate but in the living, the process seems interminable until it is too late. Other times circumstances force a choice, like war. I often think about what drives people to immigrate to a foreign country, for example, when it seems daunting to move across a city or to another state. Anyway... I think these things.

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! Here is another song + band with ladies of color: Fall Asleep by Big Joanie. It came up on an Apple Music riot Grrrl playlist a month or so ago and I keep going back to it. So good!


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I much prefer this newsletter to Disneyland. Give me messy reality seen with curiosity and imagination? Yes, please! And thanks also for always trying to be open about the emotional costs and the need to lie fallow for a bit. That only makes me love this space more. I’d rather have that honesty than a newsletter that feels tied to some capitalist schedule just because I’m paying $5/month to read it. Maybe it’s a “basic income” subscription model or something like that.

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Would Brontë be willing to share pictures of her playhouse but not? A bold question. No pressure.

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This is lovely. I feel like I haven’t read one of your letters in a while and have been missing hearing from you. So this was also a wonderful treat. Hope you and your family are all doing well.

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Meg, my field of study was Greco-Roman art & architecture and I adore how you are learning and deploying this language of antiquity in the contemporary moment. It's gorgeous. And I'm completely undone by your observation that "The cardboard box wasn’t like a playhouse because it was a temple. The leavened cake and sweet sap I placed on the porch were an offering. And my little five year old was an oracle."

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