Still waiting for you to contact me directly, r@thehf.org

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SW has stated they are going to reimburse "reasonable expenses" for those people who were able to find other flights, had to stay in hotels, etc. A friend is stuck in Denver with her husband and four kids under the age of five and NO LUGGAGE. She is worried about what will considered "reasonable" and how they will be reimbursed for missed work. SW made some very bad decisions and have done great damage to their reputation. I hope their shareholders can sleep at night and banked all that $$ as I don't believe they will be seeing anywhere as much in the future.

Happy New Year to you and your family. May 2023 bring you all you need.

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Good golly, Meg, I think every newsletter you write, I love you more. Now I guess I need to go re-watch It's a Wonderful Life with new eyes. I'm from Denver and wish our paths could have crossed - but I probably left before you arrived (2013)? And that's so infuriating about Southwest - the company that *seems* to be so friendly and customer-focused. Arrggghhhh.

At any rate, thank you for another lovely article.

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Uh, you break my heart! So good.

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I love this. I do think if we were all connected- truly connected, in person- and had to rely on each other a little more it would make a big difference. I think the people in power live a life too far removed from everybody to truly have any investment in community.

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