I love listening to you - thank you for this!

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Ah thank you! I do really like this as an informal medium. I am trying to figure out how to help listeners know this is supposed to feel like sitting a lunch together, not like a scripted podcast, or even persuasive essay. I think I might record an intro that just kind of explains that? But I think if I can keep it informal and kind of like a real dialogue...it could be a fun experiment? Thank you so much for listening!

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I love that it’s unscripted and just like it is - it feels like you called and left me a voicemail ❤️

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THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I AM HOPING FOR! OMG. VOICEMAILS!!! KATY!!! I am going to figure out how to compensate you for this...you just branded my podcast!!!

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I know this wasn’t the main point of your message but as a Floridian I truly appreciate you mentioning that it isn’t as easy as “just move.” My husband and I have lived here for ten years; we moved here to be close to family, and we both have careers that require state-specific licensure. As hard as it is to hear about the horrifying legislation being spearheaded by our governor, it is even more awful to experience it up close—and yet, this is our home and there are many, many hurdles to moving somewhere else.

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I am so sorry. I hate that people are being put in increasingly difficult and even dire situations. And I also totally get why staying makes sense, even if one could leave! I mean, we’ve had some versions of this conversation about staying in the US. As we’ve seen everything happening over the past couple years, we’ve wondered...”Should we leave?” And honestly, because of my husband’s skill set, moving out of the country is something we could actually do! Which is just...rare, rare, rare. But like...our family is here, this is our home. When I think of everything we’d be leaving behind it’s just like....how could we leave? I can’t fathom it.

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I so loved this!!! You talk to us like we're all together in one room, or on a group phone call. And you totally get what's going on--how many others do/will? I have friends who think DeSantis is "such a nice man, and good husband" (their words!!!) It's BULLSHIT, and yet. Tons of women voted for Trump, and they had the same info about his track record with women as we did, they just didn't believe it. You are right about how this country feels about women, and the women who don't think so? They need to stop thinking that every little thing will be Ok because the men will take care of it. That was never, and will never be an option.

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I listen this morning while drinking my coffee and generally starting my day. And I wanted to respond, because it felt like you were hanging out with me. I love that about these tiny, informal voice memo/voicemail notes

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I’ve been having a similar conversation with myself about the Martha Stewart SI cover. She could have opted to model moving beyond the male gaze but instead??? Would love to hear your take on that whole sitch.

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I didn’t realize that there was a podcast attached to this so I just read the notes and links with less context. I read the Casey Desantis article and am ashamed that I didn’t pick up on the tropes when I read it. I was just disturbed by her. After listening I can see it. I appreciate you training me to be a more savvy and critical reader.

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Oh, ok. I get what happened now. I read the better article that you linked, and not the one you’re discussing.

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Is the only way to listen to the podcast via Substack? I consume a lot of podcasts, and was wondering if there is (or might be in the future) a way to consume in a standard podcast app?

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It is also distributed to Apple right now! I think! But this weekend, I’m moving it over to Spotify and distributing it from there. So I’ll start sharing that link instead next week! Always glad to see you here!

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